Faith Builders Bible Review
I remember my very first Bible. My mom had picked it out for me. It was pale pink and she wrote a little note to me on the inside cover. It was so special. I had that same Bible for most of my childhood until I became a teenager. It was for this reason that I was so excited to use Faith Builders Bible from Zonderkidz as part of our daily Bible reading. I wanted my kids to have a Bible that was for them and written on a slightly younger reading level.

I like that after we read through the story of Samson they had a visual to show how his story ended. This Bible would be an especially good fit for kids with either a visual or kinesthetic hands on learning style.
I loved that it seems very well constructed, which is very important if it is being given to young kids. It has a hard cover and good quality pages on the inside.
One of my favorite aspects is a two page spread of the different books of the Bible and what type of book they are. For instance, it states which are “Law” books and which are “History”. They also state which are “Poetry” and which are “Gospels”. I like this visual representation of the books as stacked building bricks. This even helps me sort through the various books of the Bible.
Another thing I like is that each glossy brick building page features a “Building Block Verse” on the bottom. This special verse has a direct correlation to the building block creation that is shown on the page. I think this would be a fun way to teach Bible memory: have your kids build the creation as they are learning a memory verse. For some kids this is just the concrete solution they need to get these verses ingrained in their mind.

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[…] some other books that look fantastic for kids and adults. My kids have thoroughly enjoyed the Faith Builders Bible. It’s fantastic for Lego crazed kids. I recently added the 6 month Bible journal to my […]