14 Week Update {Pregnancy}
So, we finally hit the 2nd trimester this week! I’m now a little more than 14 weeks along and haven’t had any more check-ups since my last blog post announcing my pregnancy with baby # 7. We are still in the every 4-week phase of appointments – so, it will be a couple of weeks still. We do hope to get a sneak peek at the baby and maybe even find out what we are having in the next two weeks… I’ve been told it is easy to tell around 16 weeks and that is when we found out with our last baby. We’ve been trying to guess if it is a boy or a girl and our house is split right down the middle! All the boys think it is a boy and all the girls think it’s a girl! So, we shall see who wins out. Right now we have 3 and 3 so this baby will be a tie breaker!
I’ve been feeling better and better. No more morning (or night) sickness. Yay! The pain in the back of my legs is back, however, caused by varicose veins. I’ve had this since baby #5 and each time it comes back but each time it clears up after the baby is delivered. So, I’m hoping for the same outcome this time. I really don’t like wearing support hose during the Summer, thankfully, I’ve been avoiding it for now. Soon, however, I’m sure I will have to wear them again.
I suppose because this is my 7th pregnancy, I get bigger quicker with each one. I did have to recently ditch my regular clothes and drag out some old pregnancy pieces. I even went with my Mother-in-Law on a special shopping outing and picked out a few new maternity items so that I could be comfortable in this growing Summer heat.
I’m not craving much right now except for watermelon and pizza. Weird combination.
We got some interesting news from our oldest son’s geneticist this week, which I’m not ready to share publically. It has made for a difficult week for me, emotionally, and I’m so thankful for good friends who have showered me in prayer and scripture during this trying time. I will definitely be sharing more about this in the coming weeks, once I’ve processed it and get a better grasped of it all.
I have not felt any movement yet. I know I’m still early and I’m trying to remember when I felt it with my last couple. I know with my third it was around 17 weeks – so I probably have a few weeks to go, still. I was told a couple of weeks ago that because of the location of the placenta it would be harder to feel movement (anterior). I’ve had that with a couple of pregnancies and I know it might take a little extra time because the baby will need to get that much bigger so that I can feel the movements.
I hope you are all enjoying your Summer and I plan to be back in a few weeks for my next update!
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