More Than Dollars – How to Serve the Poor
by Julia Camenisch of
I was recently chatting with a Christian non-profit director about his work in Florida. His organization has a large facility that holds donated clothing and food, has a good core of committed volunteers and has a wide outreach among the poor in their community. And yet, this director wasn’t happy. “We’ve had the same people coming to our center for years,” he sighed. “Handing out free food and clothes isn’t doing anything to move the poverty needle in our community.”
A bit later, another non-profit leader commented on how some of his neighbors in a high poverty community have felt disrespected and marginalized by those who come to hand out free stuff, fix houses, etc. Those groups thought they were showing love, but they were really just making themselves feel good.
Wait, what? Isn’t this what Christians are supposed to do? How can we serve the poor? Give freely and generously to help those less fortunate? Share from their bounty so that others can have the food and clothing they need? Well, the answer is yes. And no.
A Heart in the Right Place
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
— Proverbs 11:25
Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.
— Proverbs 14:31
Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.
— Proverbs 28:27
These verses (and there’s many, many more) clearly state that God wants us moms to see the plight of those in poverty and respond with compassion and kindness. Unfortunately, some Christians shrug off this duty because of misconceptions such as, “They’re only poor because they’re lazy,” or “There’s opportunity out there for them too if they’d just take advantage of it.” There’s a lot we could unpack there, but I’ll just say that any reason used to justify not being concerned about the poor is unBiblical and dangerous for your own soul.
In spite of the few that refuse to care, by and large, the majority of Christian families truly DO want to “love their neighbor as themselves”. Their heart is in the right place. The struggle comes in knowing what exactly to do!
Dignity: The Greatest Gift
Giving of material things doesn’t help someone deal with years of abuse. It doesn’t fix lack of job opportunities. It doesn’t help the beneficiary learn to use their gifts and skills to make a difference. Instead, it is too often degrading, simply reinforcing the narrative of worthlessness and dependency that many in poverty deal with.
Instead, the greatest gift that can be given is dignity. Dignity reinforces the worth of an individual, affirming that they are made in the image of God and have a part to play in His plan. It says to those in poverty, “You are loved. You are important. And you are able.”
This doesn’t mean there’s never room for giving away free stuff. There is! Plenty of times. But those gifts most often should be given in context of either A) a desperate crisis where there’s no other way out; or B) a mutual friendship where the recipient already knows that you care for them as a real person instead of just a project.
4 Ways to Serve the Poor
Generosity in Action
So what’s a Christian family to do? How do we live a generous life and teach our kids to do the same? How do we serve the poor? It’s unfortunately not that easy since the majority of churches and charities in the US focus on the giving of stuff. So you’ve got to get creative as our family has done. Based on things we’ve learned and been involved in, here’s some practical ways your family can truly love the poor:
Adopt a refugee family:
Through your local refugee resettlement agency, you can find plenty of opportunities to befriend a refugee family. Help read mail, find ESL classes, arrange doctor’s appointments, share cultural experiences…and learn from those who have suffered and survived the unimaginable. Your whole family will be forever changed by this type of friendship. -
Run a Christmas or school supply store:
If your church gives away free Christmas gifts or school supplies, why not suggest something a bit different this year? Create a “store” where donated items are priced REALLY cheap. Then invite those families who would normally be receiving a handout to come shop! They get to choose what to buy their kids, plus the dignity of purchasing those gifts themselves. And than you can donate the proceeds to a good cause, so that these families are getting an opportunity to also give to others through their purchases. -
Make a loan:
Have you heard of Kiva or Hope International? These organizations work in developing countries, but instead of giving handouts, they provide loans and business training for micro-entrepreneurship. This enables those in extreme poverty to actually make progress towards financial stability! As a family, you can browse the lending opportunities and choose one together. -
Buy less:
One benefit of the free giving model is that it allows our kids to have the hands-on joy of not keeping a cool toy but instead sharing it. This IS extremely valuable in our materialistic society. Here’s a way to adapt that principle by buying less. As a family, choose an item to give up or not get for a certain amount of time. Ice cream? Out to eat? Special outing? Whatever it is, set aside that money and than give it to a local organization that is involved in tutoring or mentoring inner city kids. Go for a visit and learn about what the organization does. Than commit to pray for them together regularly. You never know what future volunteer opportunities may arise from this for your family!
Teaching our children to give and to give well is such an important part of our job as parents. I know there’s many more ways that giving can be done wisely, so I would love to hear about things you’re doing. Plus, feel free to reach out to me personally to discuss these issues more. Blessings on your journey to becoming a generous family!
For more info: Please visit to support this life changing work.
11 Lessons Learned This November about our Calling & Christ’s Love
I encourage people to teach those in need a skill that they possess. I, for one, am a trained chef, so I love to “teach a (wo)man to fish” by teaching them my trade. I’ve helped four people begin their culinary careers this way. Most of us have a skill that we can pass along. We just need to find a way to share that.
these are all wonderful ways for us to serve in a season of so much cosumption
“Run a Christmas or school supply store”…. This is such a great idea! You’re right, it allows others to keep their dignity and get what they truly need! I also love the practice of “buying less”. Giving up a spending habit and “spending” it to a fund to help is a beautiful thing. Now that my kiddos are getting older, they will truly understand and adopt this practice! I love this post! It’s so applicable for this coming season! <3
Wow I have never heard of the loan opportunities before! I think that is really wonderful. I love that you are writing this because I feel like this conversation isn’t happening in the church, but it is necessary! We can’t just give away all of our old and used stuff and expect it to make an impact. There are practical things we can do, and you have laid them out beautifully!
Showing dignity to the poor and treating them as your equal is vital. They are in that position because something horrible happened.
I love the verse you shared about loving others as you love yourself. Dignity is so important. We can’t truly love others if we see them as “less than” us. We have to treat everyone as equals, because we are all equal in God’s eyes.
Wow. “…Instead, the greatest gift that can be given is dignity.” I worked for a pregnancy resource center, and this is so true. Plus, why would anyone want to listen to you if you are not treating them as a human made in God’s image?
This is such an important balance. There are definitely times that ‘free’ is necessary and important. But I agree, dignity leads to capability and self-worth. Great article!
such a great post! very eye-opening and a great reminder to us all what the true important of the holiday season is <3
I love this, how beautiful. I truly believe that teaching our children the importance of giving (in ways more than just money) is a true way to help close the gap. I can only hope that my husband and I can do right when it is our turn and teach our children the importance of giving and compassion.
Great suggestions for something that can be a struggle for some of us.
Sasha- this was a great post! We can let opinions form too quick about the poor. We aren’t the ones to judge and God tells us to care for them, regardless of the reason they are in poverty! I haven’t heard about the options you’ve offered, but I’m going to look into them more!
Yes…yes and yes! we have so much don’t we? i LOVE when people give to others in my honor. I don’t need more or need anything.
Such a wonderful way of inspiring hearts to help the poor. Serving the poor brings in great contentment and we tend to value even the little we have. We learn to be content and lend generously.
Such a great read! Too often money or things just get thrown towards people instead of really loving them. The first is easy and doesn’t take much time while the latter does.
These are fantastic suggestions. I love how you addressed the need for dignity. Powerful
I love when you wrote, “…the greatest gift that can be given is dignity. Dignity reinforces the worth of an individual, affirming that they are made in the image of God and have a part to play in His plan.” This is such an important and valuable post. The practical applications you listed are on point – this giving of dignity and love is what we strive to model for our children. To live out love practically and always.
I cannot express in words how much I love this. The very best thing you can give anyone is their dignity. I love your ideas! Thank you for this!
Honestly, this is a life changing experience that you can give to the poor. It’s time to stop neglecting them. God bless every cheerful giver.