What better way to kick off your new year than by getting organized – without having to do too much work. Here is my gift to you, your very own January meal plan so that you can spend your time making your own New Years Resolutions. [Read more…] about January Meal Plan – New Printable
Merry Christmas ~ A Note from Such a Time as This
The Ultimate List of Missionary Biographies
Ever since last year, studying the true stories of World War II, my kids and I have hungered to study more missionaries and the stories of their lives. It has become a blessing to see God at work through the trials and joys of the missionary biographies. I thought it would be fun to put together a list of a variety of missionaries by country or time period so other homeschooling families can enjoy them. The links I used are affiliate links which means that if you choose to buy through them I might receive a small commission which goes into supporting my blog and family. Please see my disclosure policy for more information. [Read more…] about The Ultimate List of Missionary Biographies
5 Reasons Why You Need to Have a Poetry Tea Time
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About mid-morning my 10-year-old daughter came to me pleading with me to make today poetry tea time. Monday? I asked, unsure. Usually, we do it on Thursday. Hmm… what’s the difference? I thought.
Clapping her hands, she ran to the kitchen to start on the cocoa. I shuffled through the tablecloths until I found on that looked like Christmas. We didn’t always know about Poetry Tea Time. It has been one of the many joys of using Brave Writer and the Brave Writer Lifestyle in our homeschooling. It somehow softens our homeschooling week and allows us to take a deep refreshing breath as we go about our days. [Read more…] about 5 Reasons Why You Need to Have a Poetry Tea Time
Meal Plan for the Week of December 4th
When I was little, my mom made Christmas cookies at the beginning of December. She didn’t just make a dozen here or there. No, she made hundreds upon hundreds of homemade cookies. Later in the month, she and my dad would host a Christmas open house for all of the church members and attendees to come and celebrate Christ’s birth.