My mom, who was nicknamed Cookie, made hundreds of Christmas Cookies every year. Candy Cane cookies were some of my absolute favorites. This year we decided to make them gluten-free because I’ve been on a gluten-free diet for about 15 months now. I can’t let being gluten-free stop me from enjoying baking and making Christmas cookies with my littles.

I’ve been baking a lot this holiday season and my go-to for gluten free flour has been Open Nature brand. They make a silky gluten-free flour that is so similar to white flour you can’t really tell the difference.

We had a lot of little helpers making these — so some were a little messy. These make fun memories for years to come.
I hope you enjoy these!

Gluten-Free Candy Cane Cookies
I grew up with these cookies. Here is a new spin – gluten-free candy cane cookies.
- 1 C butter softened
- 1 C sugar
- 1/4 C confectioners sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp peppermint extract
- 1 egg
- 2 1/2 C Gluten Free All Purpose Flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- all-natural *red* food coloring
- Beat together butter, sugars, vanilla and peppermint extract along with the egg.
- Mix the dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
- Stir them in together. Once dough is formed separate half of dough into another bowl.
- Add several drops of red food coloring, mix it with your hands until colored all the way through evenly.
- With your hands take some of the plain dough and form a narrow strip (like a snake). Do the same with the red dough. Swirl them together until you make a pattern similar to a candy-cane.
- Bake at 350f for 10 min.