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1. Drink More Water
How? I have trouble remembering to drink during the day. So, I got a 24 oz water bottle and keep it filled up on the counter. When I get done with one of the bottles, I know I’ve had a full 3 cups of water. If I refill once in the morning, once after lunch, and once after dinner I’ve had all my water for the day. It’s easier to keep track this way than through filling separate cups plus it’s an excellent reminder to keep hydrated!
2. Eat Healthier
How? Who’s to say that New Year’s Resolutions have to begin on January 1st? I actually started this in early December. I’ve been using an app called Wholesome on my phone. It’s so easy to keep track of what I’m eating.

I’m not just talking about fat and calories. This thing tracks all vitamins, minerals, Omega-3s, fiber and more. I really needed a way to track how much of what I was getting.

I absolutely love that it tells me what is in each food I eat – but I can also choose to search by vitamins that I need. I can search by food, vitamin/mineral, find what foods are high in that, or even read more about what that nutrient is needed for.

This app is perfect – at the end of the day if I’m showing to be low in B12 or magnesium I can adjust what I eat at dinner or before bed. It can also track possible deficincies and gaps in nutrition over time.

3. Get More Exercise
How? I’m using a combination of using an elliptical and my Apple Watch to track my fitness. Hubby got me the watch for Mother’s Day last year. I will freely admit I’m not big into excercise but this little watch has helped me get motivated.

It tracks the user’s heart rate, workout, and steps. It is like having a mini-personal trainer right there on your wrist. It encourages me to keep going, to get in a few more steps, one more round of excursive – – it even gives out virtually engraved awards with my name and date of achievement. I love that I can hit mixed cardio and have a dance party with my kids. Its fun and it counts as my workout for the day (as long as I dance for at least 15 minutes-30 minutes).

4. Read the Bible
How? Last year I attempted to read my Bible in a Year. I didn’t succeed in doing so but I did succeed in becoming more disciplined in reading the Word. This year I’m continuing where I left off. Because I’m using a chronological Bible, some of the books are read out of order. I’m the midst of Daniel, Ezekiel, and 2 Kings currently.
I’m going to keep going and even if it takes me 2 full years, I love that I’m seeing the Bible from a different angle. I can see the timeline of events in the Old Testament and getting a richer understanding of when and why certain books were written when they were. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter if you chose a Bible in a Year plan, a chronological plan, or a Psalm a day mixed with the OT and NT. It only matters that you are reading God’s word and allowing it change your heart.
5. Read More
How? I figured out last year that I’m much more likely to finish a book that I start if I read it using the Kindle for iPhone app. I’m already carrying my phone with me most of the time – this way when I get a free moment I can read a book and not surf the net or get sucked into social media. That leads me to my next resolution…
6. Spend Less Time on Social Media
How? Social media makes me grumpy. Half the time it leaves me with a headache and a bad attitude. The problem is I’m slightly addicted to social media. And I had no idea that iPhone offers Screentime setting under the Settings app. It tracks how long you are spending on social networking, reading and reference, and other websites.

It allows you to choose a certain amount of “downtime” each day, you can limit your usage of certain apps, you can restrict certain content and choose certain things to “always allow”.

I love that I can turn off social media after a certain number of minutes. For instance, I choose to allow 7 minutes of social media a day during the week and 1 hour on weekends. That way I can skim my newsfeed and see if anybody has tagged me or written to me before it turns off for the day. Don’t worry, if you need to turn it back on you can always allow to extend an extra 15 minutes a day or turn off your settings all together.
7. Be more efficient with time
MyFreezEasy — an easy way to start freezer cooking. Erin Chase, the brains behind this awesome service, creates meal plans by diet type or by food type that will fill your freezer for the month. It’s super easy to implement, too! You can customize the recipes to how many people you are feeding, you get a printable grocery list and instructions for cooking and for the day you are putting the meals together. It couldn’t be easier.
Walmart Grocery App –– I recently took the plunge and started using Walmart Grocery. First of all – I’ve tried other grocery services before but nothing compares to this Walmart App! It is amazingly easy to use and search. I just typed in or searched for what I needed, choose a pick up time, and then once it was time to pick up I just clicked a link to let them know I was on my way. My phone’s gps actually tracked me to the Walmart store so they got the heads up that I was almost there. I paid through my phone and also let them know which Walmart grocery parking spot I was parked in. It was seamless. You never have to step a foot outside your car – they load it in the car or truck for you. Through Walmart and MyFreezEasy I’m saving time on my meal planning, shopping, and cooking.