Orphs of the Woodlands at Tangletree: The Perfect App for Your Homeschool {REVIEW}
I’ve written before how I’ve tried to include more technology into our homeschooling, but I sometimes struggle with which apps, websites, and curriculum… not knowing which to trust as worthwhile for our kids and which ones will be easy to implement. I found an app recently that fits the bill and has been a true blessing to our family. My 11-year-old struggles with being engaged with reading time because of dyslexia which causes it to be a challenge to read as fluently and with the understanding he wants to have. This new app has been helping him more than I knew! My son has been improving his reading comprehension with the new interactive book, Orphs of the Woodlands at Tangletree, from Star Toaster.

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Hi Sasha! We’re so glad that you enjoyed “Orphs of the Woodlands”. Thank you for your kind review. Your words encouraged all of us at Star Toaster, and we appreciate the time and energy you put into reviewing our program. We’re hard at work on the next story which we hope will be out soon!
P.S. Love your layouts!