ABeCeDarian Company Interactive A Workbook Review

As I have been trying to piece our Kindergarten curriculum together, I stumbled upon a new interactive reading program. My five-year-old son loves the Interactive A Workbook from ABeCeDarian Company because he gets to play on the iPad.
What is it?
The Interactive A Workbook from ABeCeDarian Company is a “workbook” that can be used through your browser on the Kindle, Android, iPad or your computer. It is intended for kids who are new to reading or who haven’t yet begun to read. The online workbook “pages” consist of word puzzles, reading practice, and handwriting practice. This also includes a downloadable teacher workbook which helps explain the process and how to proceed with ABeCeDarian.

How Did We Use It?
I used this product with my 5-year-old son. Our goal was to use it a few times a week, during his “school” time. As you can tell, his 4-year-old sister was very intrigued by this program, as well. I sat with him and helped him as he progressed through the lessons. He needed my assistance in using the iPad, since I don’t typically let the littles use it, as well.

What did we think?
We were so excited to try this new Interactive A Workbook from ABeCeDarian Company. We have used ABeCeDarian in the past with my now 11-year-old son who struggles with dyslexia. He worked through the paper workbooks from the same company and did very well with it. My younger son hasn’t yet learned to read, at age 5, as he hasn’t quite started kindergarten yet. This Interactive Workbook is set up exactly like the consumable paper workbooks from ABeCeDarian Company, except it is used through a tablet or computer. We chose to use ours on the iPad so that my son would have an easier time with the handwriting portion than he would have on the computer using a mouse.

Other Thoughts:
This isn’t exactly an app, which is what I was thinking it would be at first. Because it needs to be used through the browser, I didn’t find it as easy to use as many apps are. One of the first things I noticed was the load time was pretty long on both my computer and my iPad. I thought it might be user error, but then I realized it eventually did load it just took a few minutes each time.
I also would have liked to have had sound as part of this program. If these things were improved upon, I’m convinced this would be the perfect reading program! I also think this is truly meant to be done with the parent sitting next to the student, assisting them, which is how we did use it. So, this isn’t something your child should do independently until they get better at reading and spelling.
On a positive note, my son started almost immediately (within the first few days) being able to read and spell c-v-c words on his own! He went from not knowing much beyond his simple ABCs to reading and spelling! I think ABeCeDarian is an impressive program and we’ve had great success with it for both my 5-year-old and a few years ago with my older son. I would encourage you, if you have a new or struggling reader, to try out this program because it might just be what your student needs!