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I want to let you all in on a little secret. While I lean toward the Charlotte Mason style of homeschooling – many times in my journey as a homeschooling mom and teacher I’ve leaned toward the eclectic. I like to piece different curriculum together to make life work for our growing and expanding family. Until a few months ago, I had never heard of this resource that I’m about to share with you. I can’t believe it has taken me this long to not only hear about it – but to use it. It is a perfect addition to just about any homeschool. The Lifetime Membership from is a great way to enhance learning and create a beautiful portfolio showcasing what you’ve learned.
What is the Lifetime Membership from is a website that has a HUGE amount of printables for your homeschool. Their Lifetime Membership is just how it sounds: a Lifetime Membership full of tons of notebooking pages, copywork, and other types of worksheets. Once you have the lifetime membership – everything is included … ALWAYS. Can you tell I’m super beyond excited about this product? These printable sheets are perfect for use in a Charlotte Mason Homeschool, Classical Education, or even Eclectic.
This membership features pages for:
Bible Curriculum
- Bible studies
- Scripture memorization
- character study
- copywork
- journalling
- Latin & Greek roots
- Pre-School and Kinder A-Z
- picture study
- classical composers
- science worksheets
- science notebooking
- geography – mapping
- states study
- National Memorials
- National Parks pages
- American Presidents and First Ladies
How did we use it?
We started off by letting each of our older kids pick a copywork section to print and put into their binders. My 11-year-old son chose the woodland animals print which he just adored. My 9-year-old daughter chose a floral pattern for her copywork. We decided that every morning after circle time and memorization time the kids would pull out their binder and copy the poem or the Bible verse that they are currently working on memorizing.
What did we think?
I really like that each theme they chose contains a variety of page styles. There are a handful of worksheets that have groups of lines, for example, 3 lines and then a space and then another 3 lines and a space.
This type of page is perfect for a short Bible verse or one stanza of a poem.
The copywork pages also contain fully lined notebooking pages, along with other styles of pages.
I also like that there is a title page included and a table of contents that the kids can fill in when they are done working on these pages.
I think this is a perfect accompaniment to any homeschooling curriculum! You can add in some extracurricular with these notebooking pages or you could implement this as part of your core content subjects. I definitely plan to use the picture study and composer study in the coming year, with the kids. I can see how easy this would be to implement – just study a painting, painter or composer and then have the child draw or write about what they learned so that they remember it. I love this style of learning and love, too, that it is open ended – it can be whatever you NEED it to be.
There is so much to choose from that any way you choose to use it it can only add to the richness of your homeschooling education. I wish I heard of a long time ago. This can be used with multiple age ranges and can really help save money whether you are a classical homeschooler or eclectic. The Lifetime Membership is priced at $97 or in installments starting at just $10. You need to check it out for yourself, because what I’ve told you is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much included it is hard to mention it all. I seriously consider this one of the BEST resources for homeschoolers on the web!
