A Letter to the Church: Children are a Blessing
Dear Church,
Stop. Just stop. I beg you. I implore you. Stop addressing pregnant women in a way which demeans them … in a way which makes them feel less than. Stop looking down on those who have made different decisions than you – or not. I write this because there is an epidemic in our culture of people not being happy for those who are expecting – not celebrating the life that was given them from our Father above. I write this because it is long past time this has been said.
I sit here typing this as a woman who has faced a form of negativity from the most random places: the church pew, a family friendly gathering, the choir loft, the family dinner. I sit here typing this as a woman who has heard the heartache of others as they share with me what their mom said, their grandmother, their father, their sister, their friend at the news that their family was growing. I know the growing trend of not sharing the news with some or many – sometimes until after the child is born – or until the pregnancy begins to be obvious. The reason? So many hurtful comments from those who should truly know better.
I have heard the jokes and the questions. I have felt the weight of not knowing how to share the news of a new child. I know the pain. So I beg you to stop. I wish to speak to your deepest compassion as I plead with you to stop. Stop joking about where babies come from. Stop asking if it was planned. Stop weighing the mom down with your own fears – your own uncertainties about your own life. Stop. None of us knows what she is going through. None of us know the stress she is under. Nobody knows the internal pain she, herself might be feeling. None of us know the unspeakable joy she might be feeling. Nobody knows the internal struggles or the prayer that came before the news of this child.
There is something greater than the fear, sadness, joy, excitement that this mother to be is feeling, however. There is a reason to rejoice despite our personal feelings. We rejoice because our Heavenly Father delights in these children. Our Lord loves the little children. Our God has given us these little children as true blessings. Do you realize that much of our culture has gotten this idea mixed up? Many think of blessings as a wealth & money, a huge house, a nice trip – but according to God, children are actually a blessing – a gift directly from the Lord. Yes, children are a blessing. I truly hope you can learn to view children as this. Somewhere along the line the church has been corrupted by the world’s view of children and we’ve been derailed ever since. When you show negativity toward a young mom, a new mom, an old mom, a mom of many, a mom with kids closely spaced, or a mom with a high needs child you give others a glimpse of your own heart. This is probably the saddest part of all – because we should be a reflection of Christ and by treating children as a burden you are anything but.
I beg you to think about this negativity – whether it comes out in jokes about birth control pills, arguments about family planning and timing, questioning the mother’s sanity, muffled comments under your breath, or small sarcastic jabs. Think about this verse from Matthew, “But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.” Matthew 15:18
Let me tell you a secret. We moms, we long to hear kind words. We long to hear love. Many of us hope for a little compassion. The first trimester can be a strange mixture of happy – scared. Our emotions are all over the map and we just long for understanding, maybe a hug, an “it will be ok”, “I’m here for you,” some sentiment of excitement – maybe even a dash of enthusiasm. No matter the circumstance, if we just shared our secret with you, we will cling to your words and your understanding. We want to so badly for our child to be welcomed…for us to be understood…perhaps to be encouraged. We long for you to be in agreement with God that these children are a blessing.
It is shocking the things people think is ok to say to an expecting mom. It doesn’t only make me think less of humanity – it makes me wonder how so many claim to be the Bride of Christ and yet speak at times worse than the world. Please, do the next pregnant woman you meet a favor and greet them with love and kindness. Let it be your mission to overflow with encouragement, and to maybe even show the love of Christ.
A Sister in Christ
Check out these other posts:
For When You are Being Refined with Fire {Trials, Hope and Our Faith}
Study the Bible with Your Kids {Unseen: The Armor of God for Kids Bible Study}
My Interview with Dr. Charles Mully
Grace for Moms {When Staying at Home is Hard}
That was awesome! Thank you for your candid conversation about this subject. This has something for everyone and I mean everyone to hear and pay attention to. Even Men, maybe especially men! Anyway I intend on sharing this on my Facebook. Thank you for writing it and being passionate about it!
I’m constantly amazed at the stories people share about Christians saying completely unkind things. I work with my daughter on a regular basis about counting to ten before she responds to something. It helps her get her emotions in check and ask herself if a response will exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Maybe we need to teach adults this as well.
Thank you so much for writing this! We have 3 beautiful blessings and my in laws were less than enthused when we shared our 3rd pregnancy news. No congrats or anything. Just yesterday we were at a restaurant and a precious young family with 4 children were sitting behind us. My MIL saw them and began making rude and hateful comments. ?? Its completely ruined her Christian witness to me and I will be sharing this with her personally as well as on my Facebook!
I agree, but also want to point out that the dads deal with very similar feelings of ridicule and uncomfortable questions.
So good and true today. I cringed when asked if my sweet baby was “planned”. During my pregnancy I dreaded going out in public without my husband. The bad looks and questions from strangers feared me from never wanting to leave the house. I completely agree, children are a blessing and every pregnancy should be celebrated.
I have 8 children- all from my own womb. Gasp. I’ve heard it all!
Thanks for standing up, mama! <3
YES! Children are such a blessing! I see and hear so many negative comments (even from parents themselves) about children. Awhile ago, I had the thought that if we are going to be taken seriously in our value for life, we need to stop viewing (and speaking of!) our children with disdain…and truly value them! So refreshing to read this today!
This is so good. It is a much needed message. I am blessed to be a mentor mom for my church’s MOPS group. There is nothing sweeter than seeing these moms progress through their pregnancies and then bring their sweet babies in.