Grapevine Studies Review
A Bible Study for the Whole Family
Are you looking for ways to incorporate a Bible study into your homeschool? It is intimidating to do a Bible study when you have multiple ages, like we do, in the home. I’m happy to share with you what we have found – a unique study which covers multiple grades and ages. For the past month we’ve been using the Bible study when you have multiple ages, like we do, in the home. I’m happy to share with you what we have found – a unique study which covers multiple grades and ages. For the past month we’ve been using the New Testament 1: Beginner John to the Apostles from Grapevine Studies for our Bible study with our older kids and the traceable version with our two littles.
I received a digital download of the John to the Apostles Beginner teachers guide, and both the student book and the traceable student book. The pages are easily downloaded, printed and placed into a binder to keep them in order. The beginner version, which we used, is for ages 5-7 for the student book and 3-5 for the traceable. The ages we used it with are 3, 5, 8, and 11. Although we had an older child who is above the age range for this particular book, he still enjoyed using it. I really liked using the John to the Apostles Beginner book for the younger three kids because I felt it was right on their level developmentally.
The teachers guide features the lesson goals, key points and the memory verses for each section of the lesson. It also lists the passage to be read and it gives the abbreviated version of the Scripture passage that you can choose to read aloud if you need more explanation. The guide even shows you how to draw the stick figures for that part of the lesson. Lastly, the study questions and answers are listed at the end of each lesson.
This Bible study works well if you do it twice a week. Plan for 30 minutes a day to include both a time of review and for teaching the new lesson. There is a Bible reading time, discussion, and then a section for the kids to draw their illustrations of the passage they just read.
My oldest son loves to draw, so this study definitely stood out to me as something he would enjoy. Anything which incorporates art is huge plus in our house! However, I really like that this focuses on stick figures – so if your child doesn’t love to create art there is no pressure to do more than make stick figures. I think the process of drawing what they learn about helps to make it stay in their minds.
Our youngest two children are 3 and 5 and they used the traceable version. This was the first time we did any sort of formal study with them and it was a huge success. They both really looked forward to doing their “Bible time”.

To find out more about this product find Grapevine Studies on social media.

I like the additional detail added to your children’s drawings! 😀