You Can’t Stream Frozen on Netflix
Where to Watch Frozen
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We have a family tradition of doing something fun on Friday night. It usually ends up being pizza, a movie and ice-cream sundaes. Recently, the weather has turned chilly, with Winter right around the corner, we were in the mood to watch Frozen. One problem – we can’t stream Frozen on Netflix right now and we don’t want to buy it on DVD. I have found a solution and I wanted to share it with you.
It is a new company called VidAngel.
VidAngel has several choices which are not available on Netflix. What I love about this company is that they offer movies and TV shows that can be filtered to your family’s preferences. The filters are perfect for movies that have a few bad words or crude jokes which can be simply edited out with a click of your mouse. You can filter profanity, nudity, sex and violence.
I’m really loving this service and I can’t believe how easy it is to use. They have done all the work for us. All we have to do is click what filters we want and then click to purchase the movie. After you are done watching – you just click “sell back” which credits your account all the money you paid minus $1 for the movie you watched. It is as simple as that.
I’m so glad I found VidAngel. It is as cheap as Redbox but without having to drive to and from the store. It is as easy as Netflix but with way better options. I love the filters and plan to use them even with some PG rated movies. If you, like my family, are looking to watch Frozen simply head over to VidAngel and check them out. You can stream from your mobile devices, iPad or iPhone – or through services: Roku, Chromecast and AppleTV.
Movies & Shows you can find on VidAngel but not currently on Netflix:
I have all boys, so we won’t be watching this, BUT my nieces are obsessed. I think they have the DVD, though, but I will pass this on either way 🙂
That’s a really nice line-up! Aside from Frozen there are a lot of good movies to watch out for!
I haven’t seen a few of these. This will be a great way for me to see them at a low price. Thanks for sharing. I’d not heard of this site before.
You have made my day! Netflix doesn’t stream Game of Thrones and I would love to use this app for that!
Wow, you can get access to some great films through VidBox. I still need to watch a few of these!
Wow, you can get access to some great films through VidAngel. I still need to watch a few of these!
what a great line up. I would love to watch the Pitch perfect 2. Thanks for sharing this.
We started using VidAngel a few months ago! I’m so happy we came across it. It’s my favorite.
Great movies.. i want to watch Divergent. Can’t wait to take a break from work and enjoy new movies
I haven’t heard of VidAngel until now. Our Friday nights are for movies. I will check this out.
A lot of Frozen fans would be happy to learn about this! Thanks for sharing!
I’m sure my husband would love this deal! Were really love watching movies every night.
We love movies at home, I’m sure my husband would love it.
Thanks for the info! I had never heard of VidAngel before. I am sure my husband will be pleased about this option.
I enjoy a lot of streaming, so I really appreciate the additional options to watch my favorites. I’ll check into it.
I haven’t heard of Vid Angel but this is great! There are many times that I like a movie and look for it on Netflix but it’s not there. This seems like the perfect solution!
Netflix definitely needs to work on their streaming selection, this is a great alternative in the mean time!
how awesome! Thanks for sharing this. Lots of movies to watch. I can’t wait to watch some of these movies.
I’ve never heard of VidAngel but it sounds great. I’ll be checking this out for family movie night~